IS leadership roles

Information sytem refers to a system of people, data records and activities that processes the data and information in an organization, and it includes the organizations manual and automated processes. Information System refers to the specific application software that is used to store data records in a computer system and automates some of the information processing activties of the organization. Computer based information system are in the field of information technology. The discipline of business process modelling describes the business processes supported by information sytems.

IS comprises of three components, these are the hardware, software, and the third is people ware. In information sytem leadership role, it has two aspects these are the technical aspects of leadership or can be called as TAL and social aspects of leadership or SAL. Each of these aspects has their respectie roles in which i will going to enumerate.

IS leadership roles were done by the IT director or also called as Chief information officer. Perhaps, the IT director cover all parts of the management but that doesnt mean that it describes the whole job of managing. The executove or IT director has two main roles the agenda setting and network setting. Agenda setting in commonly concerned with figuring out what to do despite uncertainty or it means that this is the role of executive whenever they face problems in their enterprise. This role also provides solutions to their problems. While the other role of a manager is the network setting that define or concerned with getting things done through a large and diverse group of people despite having little control over most of them. I think it means that this is the role of the executove in which they plan of what to do in activities despite of little control over his employees. Similar to MIS, the the framework of leadership role based on the methods are used to accomplish the functions of the executives.

The technical aspect of leadership role or also known as general leadership role. The general leadership role has three components these are the informational role, decisional role and interpersonal role. Ecah components are important. Informational role, by virtueot interpersonal contacts, means that the executive or manager doesnt know all things but he able to know things that are relevant to his job or we may say that that he may not knoweverything but he typically knows its subordinate. Processing information is a keypart of managers job. Managers also do monitoringin which managers scan the environment for information and receiving unsolicited datas or information as a result of his networking of personal contacts or product of his perseverance in gathering information. As manager he sends information to other people which can help them in their work.
Thesecond componentis the decisional role, it means managers gathered information doesnt end with it, those datas will be used in decision making in which the managers play a vital role. Manager has also the authority to mske new sets of actions, and those data he has can also be used in making new strategies. In this component the manager is also responsiblein deciding who will get what. And as negetiator, the manager commits organizational resources in real time.
The third component is the interpersonal role, in this component every manager are obliged to perform ceremoniel duties such as going to an business meetong as a representative of their enterprise or department. As a leader, a manager are responsible for the work of their people from their enterprise. The manager also makes contacts outside the enterprise or unit. The managers or executive or sometimes called IT director are placed more importance on IT. And as a manager of an enterprise, they usually face human resource role of recruiting new staff or employees, give staff training and retention, and they also face financial roles of budgeting forecasting and authorization. As a manager they remain a significant amount of work in publicity, promotion and internal relations with the management. Also the managers concern is that he alignment of business and IT objectives is not only a matter of achieving competitive advantage but what is also essential is the enterprise's survival and the worrking relation of manager to the employees.
There are six IS leadership roles by Computer science corporation as of 1996 that includes the planning, development and management; fostering relationships between the IS department including the management or the managers and other superiors, vendors, and end-user.
There are also some criterias under the IS leadership roles: the highest ranking executive, areas of responsibility including the IT and computer operations, and responsibility for strategic planning of information resources.
The IS leadership roles:
first, chief architect. The chief architect designs future possibilities for the business. His primary work is to design and evolve the IT infrastructure so that it will expand the range of future responsibilities for the business, not define specific business outcomes. The infrastructure should provvide not only today's technical services, such as networking, databases and desktop operating systems, but an increasing range of business-level services, such as workflow, portfolio management, scheduling and specific business components or subjects.
Second, change leader. The change leader arranges resources to achieve optimal implementation of future. The essential role of the change leader is to arrange all thoser resources that will be neede to execute the change program. This includes providing new tools, but it also involves putting in the place teams teams of people who can redesign roles, job and workflow,who can change beliefs about the company and the work people do, and understand human nature and can develop incentive systems to persuade people into new and different behaviors.
Third, product developer. Helps define the company's place in the emerging digital economy example of this is through internet. The developer must sell the idea to the business partner, and together they can set up and eveluate business experiments.
Fourth, technology provocateur.brings IT and realities of the IT marketplace to bear on the information strategy for the business.
Fifth, coach.teaches people to acquire the skillsets they will need for the future.
Sixth,chief operating strategist. Invents the future with the senior management.he focused on the future agenda of the IS organization.

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