Management Information System
Management Information System also known as MIS is complicated as our Facilitator Sir Randy S. Gamboa said that Management is composed of four components: planning, directing, organizing and the fourth is controlling as he explained further management is the act of managing of the people to the things, machines, processes and etc. , and not to the people. Management also implies that someone has to be managed. And it indicates that the person cannot work independently without the help of the machines and other things, not by the management of the people as sir said that he by his self cannot or control other people because each of us has a feelings, he prefer to call his self as facilitator or a leader to guide other people especially students rather than managing them.
Management also defined as the activities of an enterprise are being organized and coordinated accordign to their policies and and to the objectives which they settle in order to be achieved. If you had a good management in your enterprise, you will be able to have a good production of your goods and money.
According to Peter Drucker,
Management information system also known as MIS is so complicated for me as our facilitator Sir Ryan S. Gamboa said that management is composed of four components which are the planning, directing, organizing and the fourth is controlling. As he explained further, management is the act of managing of the people to the things, machines, processes and others, and not managing the people.
Management also implies that someone has to be managed. And it indicates that the person cannot work independently without the help of the machines and other things, not the management of the people as sir said that he by his self cannot manage nor control people cause we had a feelings he prefer to call his self as facilitator or a leader to guide people that are usually students.
Management also defined as the activities of an enterprise are being organized and coordinated according to their policies and to the objectives which they settle in order to be achieved. If your enterprise had a good management then you will be able to had a good production of goods and money.
According to Peter Drucker a management guru, the basic task of management is in two fold: the marketing and innovation.The marketing or the production of goods in the market in a short time but having a good quality. And innovation, I think is the development or process in which you fill the neediness of the people or consumer. The people who were responsible for managing and directing the decision making in an enterprise can be called as manager or IT director.
Those managers should be able to formulate policies and objectives in order to achieve the goals of their enterprises. The size of the manager ranges from one person to hundreds of managers depending on how small or large their enterprises or firms.
Example of large enterprises is a company in which managers group their selves as Board members and guided by a superior manager that can be called as executive. Each of them plays a vital role in their company. Managers are also responsible for the deployment and manipulation of human resources, financial resources, technology resources and natural resources.
Management in all business sectors and all activities of human organization is simply the act of getting people together to accomplish or to achieve their goal and objectives.
Information System according to our facilitator Sir Gamboa comprises of three components these are hardware, software and people ware. Since our course description is Management Information System. We just combine the definition of management and information system and it results to managing of hardware and software but what makes it complicated is the third IS component which is the people. As what sir Gamboa stated that we cannot manage people because we had feelings.
As I surf into the internet, from wikipedia it stated that the Management Information System was the subset of the overall internal control of a business covering the application of the people, documents, technologies and procedures by management accountants in solving business problems such as costing products, service or a business-wide strategy. So, I think its no the people they are managing but it’s the managing of the application itself that is came from the people that is responsible for the certain action.
It also said that management information system are distinct from regular information system in that they are used to analyze other information systems applied in operational activities in the organization. So, its not just one person that is responsible for this, it is a group of people who made an organization and each of the person plays their own role to make an operational activities succeed. And academically, the term is commonly used to refer to the group information management methods tied to the automation or support of human decision making , and example of these are decision support system, experts system and executive information system. As an overview, at the start, in the business computers were used for the practical business of computing the payroll and keeping track of accounts payable and accounts receivable. As Applications were developed that provide managers with information about scales, inventories and other data that would help in managing the enterprises.
The term MIS arose to describe these three kinds of applications. Nowadays, the term is used broadly in a number of contests and includes( but is not limited to): decision support system, resource and people management application, project management and database retrieval application.
A management information system is defined as a planned system of the collecting, processing, storing and dissipating data in the form of information needed to carry out the functions of management. In a way, it is a documented report of the activities those were planned and executed. According to Philip Kotler, the MIS also consist of people , equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, analyze, evaluate and distribute the needs timely and accurately to the makers of the marketing decision in the oeganization.
Commonly, the term MIS defined as a discipline focused on the integration of computer system with the aims and objectives of an organization. It means that all the organizations has accompanied by a computer system made programmer, computer scientist, or even IT professionals, a system that is suitable for their neediness or for their goals and objectives. Example of this system is Database system, in which it helps a lot in documenting, sorting, and/ or organizing the files of their products and any computer processes that enables an enterprise run efficiently.
The developed and managed IT tools were able to assist the executives or managers of any enterprise in performing their tasks that is related to the processing of information by the use of computers as what I’ve stated earlier just like a database system which can be used in document processing an data gathering. The data gathered can be useful in making a report, a report that can be a tool for decision making. Of course, the application of MIS would not be the succeed if there were no strategies, strategies that can help them in achieving their goals. But those strategies cannot be created by the computer systems this was created by the fusion of ideas of each of the people responsible in decision making. Those strategies can help the enterprise a lot. Some of the strategies are how they were going to deliver their goods in short time accurately, how their products can be can be known by the consumers and be competitive enough in the market. After their products be marketed the managers should be able to make a financial statements which help them in breaking down the list of expenses they financed for their capital. Example of these expenses, is how much they spend in production and delivery of goods, and others. But in order to make a financial statements the managers should able to monitor or guide the workers in their production and delivery of goods, and policies should also be implemented so that the employees had a good workforce for the benefit of the consumers. And enable to have a good management the enterprise should have a multiple plan so that they can be ready to overcome technical deficiencies. A framework for viewing the MIS is essential to an enterprise especially with the use of computer systems because it allows an enterprise to gain perspective on the field of information system that will help to the management a lot in means of providing focus and improving the effectiveness of their system efforts. Without a framework to guide the managers of enterprise tends to face a crisis or there is a tendency that not only the computer resources are wasted but even those the human resources are mismanaged and the efforts done would become useless. Therefore, the IS should be managed or should have a framework in order to be successful in the enterprise your working on.
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