HRM or the management of human resource means the managing of the employees’ profile, services, performance evaluation of the employees specifically in the San Pedro Hospital.

The HRM department was led by the human resource director, the main job of the human resource management department was not managing the system, not the hardware nor the software of the hospital but again it’s the employees’ profile, services, the performance evaluation of the employees in the organization.

It also includes the hiring, training and even firing of employees. Sometimes HRM department are responsible for the Daily time record of the employees and their payroll.

San Pedro Hospital’s PROFILE

San Pedro Hospital of Davao City Inc. is a Catholic non- stock, non-profit, training institution committed to the care of the sick and the poor, the education of health professionals and the delivery of quality health care to all. The San Pedro Hospital is owned and managed by the Dominican Sisters of the Trinity, Inc.

At present San Pedro Hospital has 295 bed capacity and 20

bassinets. It is also accredited by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation and provides services to various Health Maintenance Organizations.


San Pedro Hospital is accredited by the Department of Health with the following


  • License to Operate
  • Clinical Laboratory
  • Hospital Pharmacy
  • X-ray Facilities
  • Drug Testing Laboratory
  • HIV Testing Laboratory
  • Clinical Laboratories for Training of Medical Technology Interns.

It is also accredited by the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation and provides

services to various Health Maintenance Organizations.

San Pedro Hospital of Davao City, Inc. has also achieved International ISO

9001:2000 Certification.


We, the San Pedro Hospital community envision persons experiencing the best

quality health care services in mercy and compassion.


We, the San Pedro Hospital community of health workers commit to:

1. Provide the best quality and compassionate health care services in satisfying all individuals with respect and reverence of their person;

2. Deliver quality satisfying services expected of a training health care institution; and

3. Witness as a community the mercy and compassion of a loving God in the performance of individual and communal responsibility.

The HR directress was Ms. Teresa Magno.

San Pedro Hospital Human Resources' (SPHHR) goal is to provide responsive

service to the people who make the Hospital's best quality healthcare service possible.

  • The Human Resources Department function includes a variety of activities, and the key among them is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs, recruiting and training the best employees, ensuring they are high performers, dealing with performance issues, and ensuring your personnel and management practices conform to various regulations.
  • Activities also include managing your approach to employee benefits and compensation, employee records and personnel policies. However, they should always ensure that employees have -- and are aware of -- personnel policies which conform to current regulations. These policies are often in the form of Quality Procedure Manuals, which all department have for easy access to all employees.

"HR Department" as playing a major role in staffing, training and helping to

manage people so that people and the organization are performing at maximum capability in a highly fulfilling manner.

Employees Services is comprised of the following program areas.


The mission of Recruiting and Selection is to ensure And promote fairness and

consistency in the recruitment, selection and retention of qualified applicants and provide service and guidance to upper management, employees and applicants.

Leaves/Records/Worker’s Compensation/Performance Evaluations

The Leaves/Records/Worker’s Compensation/Performance Evaluations program area assists employees with workers’ compensation; return to work program; family and medical leave; sick leave pool; leave without pay; leaves with pay; employee performance evaluations; management of employee files; request for release of employees information; benefits and services awards.

Insurance/Retirement & Other Benefits

The Insurance/Retirement & Other Benefits program is responsible for assisting

employee with health, dental and insurance coverage (ECC); & retirement benefits.

Human Resource Staff Development

Human Resource Staff Development is committed to enhancing the skills,

knowledge and professional development of SPH employees through quality training program and innovative training delivery techniques.

Our goal is to offer the best most effective, job related training possible with which

Employees can continue to improve the level; of service provided to our customers, both inside and outside the hospital. Our belief is in the value and potential of each individual we serve.

In hiring an applicant there are steps in which the applicants should undergo some procedures such as screenings and they will also check your previous employment records if you had. They will also check the background of your studies and will contact your character references. After passing through the screening you will undergo some interviews with the executive of the company. If you passed the interviews you will be given a chance to undergo training to test your performance in working, the training will last depending on the management in when they wanted you to be trained but most of the companies have their fixed length of training period. And you will be trained according to your desired position or field of expertise.

If the applicants will able to passed and finished the training the management will look into his performance. If the trainee has a good performance in their training period, there is a possibility that you will be hired but they should come up first into a decision making.

If they will hire the applicants, he will be signing a contract that addresses him to do his duties.

From the day he started to work his daily time record will be monitored by the management. If the applicant hired he would be given benefits and insurance by the Human resource management.


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Campus Computing Goes Green to Save Money


Relocate a college's server computers next to a solar-power generator. Replace AC power with DC power. Cool the servers only where they get the hottest. Put the servers in the ocean and power them with waves.

Those were a few of the ideas discussed last week at a conference, "Greening the Internet Economy," that was designed to address the problem of the soaring financial and environmental costs of information technology. The event, held by the University of California at San Diego, offered a sampling of a new generation of technologies that promise to help colleges make their IT departments both more efficient and more sustainable.

Many of the participants emphasized the importance of systems that could more intelligently measure energy use on the campus. In recent years, colleges have been hurt by the rising costs of powering and cooling their data centers, in part because those costs are difficult to measure and poorly understood (The Chronicle, January 9).

At San Diego, researchers have started work on hardware to help colleges and other organizations understand how to make their servers more efficient. The device, called the GreenLight Instrument, will deploy sensors and software to measure the energy use, humidity, and other variables in various parts of a Sun Modular Data Center, a popular, self-contained complex of servers.

The goal is to encourage engineers to try different computing strategies to reduce electricity consumption, said Thomas A. DeFanti, principal investigator on the project and a senior research strategist at the university's California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology.

"Right now there isn't enough information for somebody to make a definitive decision: Where do I save my money? Do I eliminate disks in my computers, or do I stop them? Do I use more RAM or less RAM?" said Mr. DeFanti. "Nobody has detailed information on this."
Aiming for Precision

Intelligent measuring systems like Greenlight should be extended to allow engineers to more precisely determine how to use energy, said Gary L. Baldwin, director of special projects at the University of California's Citris program. For example, he said, operators at a data center could direct cool air only where the facility is generating the most heat.

Another idea that shows promise, participants said, is to supply computers directly with local DC power. Computers generally use direct current, but the public electricity grid typically supplies alternating current, and 30 percent of the electricity can be lost in the conversion of one form to the other.

Some colleges have started projects to power their computers directly from solar cells or other sources of DC power on the campus, avoiding the energy loss altogether. At San Diego, administrators hope to build a "power ring" that will supply computers across the campus with DC power, said Mr. DeFanti.

The rethinking of how to supply campus power is part of a broader effort to "divorce ourselves from the electrical grid," said Bill St. Arnaud, chief research officer at Canarie Inc., a Canadian computer-networking organization. Power-transmission lines lose a significant amount of energy over long distances, he said, which means that supplying a campus with energy from faraway power plant can be inefficient.

A better strategy, Mr. St. Arnaud said, is to build campus data centers next to a renewable source of power, like a solar plant. High-speed optical transmission lines, he said, would ensure that the computers would seem "as close as next door."


Campus Computing and
the Environment
Report of the Green Computing Task Group to ISC
Executive Summary
In response to the release of the study Environmental Impact of Computer Information
Technology in an Institutional Setting: A Case Study at the University of Guelph the ISC
struck a Green Computing Task Group to review policies, guidelines and practices at the
University of Guelph with respect to the purchase, use and disposal of computers 1 , in order to
make recommendations that would mitigate the environmental impacts of computing on
Specific Objectives:
§ identify green computing policies and best practices elsewhere and benchmark
the University of Guelph against these practices
§ recommend a campus awareness program
§ identify energy conservation strategies and practices
§ examine the need for and nature of computing procurement guidelines
§ identify equipment disposal procedures
Task Group Conclusions:
When measured against the best practices in the environmental management of computers
throughout the product lifecycle
it is clear that the University of Guelph can improve its
policies and practices. However, the university should take pride in its advanced EWaste
Disposal program and the high level of participation on campus. The well crafted Policy on
Environmental Protection could be strengthened and enhanced by the further development of
sustainability policies and possibly the establishment of a monitoring board. However, the
top priorities identified by the task force involve education, assessment, and collaboration in
the establishment of environmental awareness, policy and practice on campus with regards to
“green computing”.
Top Priorities:
Campus Awareness Program – Raising awareness is the first step in changing practice and
behaviours. To properly define and develop an effective campus awareness campaign
regarding green computing principles and practices, the target audiences (IT staff,
management, student/faculty/staff users) should be surveyed to determine current awareness
of, participation in, and barriers to participation in current ewaste
and energy reduction
programs. The program will be lead by the Sustainability Coordinator but will require crosscampus
collaboration with IT personnel, campus communications, purchasing agents, and
physical resources. The campaign will employ social marketing theory based on persuasion
1 Computers are defined as desktop units, which typically include: central processing unit, monitor,
keyboard, mouse and external speakers; and laptop and notepad computers which include all of the
above components in a single unit.

Defining Green Computing
The definition of Green Computing used in this report is the positive (or least negative)
relationship between the physical computer and its impact to the environments in which it
moves through during its journey from cradle to grave. In this context the computer’s impact
to the various environments may be measured using any number of the following criteria;
From cradle: Materials from which components are manufactured (recycled or virgin
materials, materials which can be recycled, leasttoxic
materials); effluents/by products
produced in the manufacturing process (impact of effluents/by products on the
environment); assembly methods (ease the disassembly at end of life); packaging
materials used for components to facilitate storage and shipping (recycled or virgin
materials, materials which can be recycled).
Operational use: Power consumption of each component; interface with user; life cycle
(months/years before replacement is required); other consumables required to maintain.
End of use: Ability to reallocate if no longer required; supplier willing to take computer
components back under recycling program.
To grave: Effective recycling (ease of disassembly, recycle ability
of materials); CO2
travel points (number of miles travelled and fuel consumed to get all components to their
final destination); and responsible and safe disposal of toxic components


Another campaign purused by my Management Information System school mates. I like this campaign since it promotes and encourages the students in every campus to be active in taking care or conserving our environment through many 'computing ' simple ways.
We all know, that technology seems to contrasting environment because the high technology scratches off every tree from the forest, or it contributes much with the greenhouse effect were experiencing. But with this campaign, computing is giving back what it has taken or damaged to somehow ease everything up.

we can adopt this concept through:
  • Turning the computer off overnight and on weekends;
  • Waiting until ready to use the PC before turning it on;
  • If the computer is going to be inactive for more than 16 minutes, consider turning it off. After this time, the energy needed to run the computer outweighs the start-up energy;
  • Do not turn on the printer until ready to print, even an idle printer consumes energy;
  • Try to schedule computer-related activities to do them all at once, keeping the computer off at other times;
  • If spending a large amount of time at the computer, consider reducing the light level in your office. This may improve cathode ray tube screen visibility as well as save energy.

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go for the Automated Election

Automated election

The Commission on Election (Comelec) has made a resolution in which they decided to convert from manual form of election to the modernized or automated form of election.

Since 2007 they made a resolution to prevent or lessen the election irregularities such as vote cheating.

In the post survey of June 2007 by the SWS regarding the prevention of election irregularities majority of the respondents are in favor of automated election.

Before converting the election system, the Comelec chairman said that after the resolution they will they will be heading a special bidding and who ever gonna won in this bidding would be able to manufacture the one of the biggest project of the government which is the machines that will be used during the election.

Last March 2009, the bidding of the different companies has started, it runs one and a half month to choose what company will handle this project.

There are two companies who won the bidding the Smartmatics and TIM (total information management Corp.)

Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International) is a multinational corporation founded in 2000 that specializes in the design and deployment of complex purpose-specific technology solutions.

It is organized around three business areas: Electronic voting systems, integrated security systems, and biometric systems for people registration and authentication for government applications.

Total Information Management (TIM) Corporation is a wholly Filipino owned Information Technology (IT) company with nationwide operations offering varied products and services. It considers itself as "The Filipino IT Company" competing in a field dominated by multinationals.

In all its undertakings, TIM has pursued the challenge to excel. It is this intensity and dedication that enabled TIM to win accolades and recognition from its foreign technology partners every year. Consistently showing double digit growth rates in the last decade, TIM has always been counted among the country's top 1000 corporate enterprises.

Before the bidding happens the ARMM voters undergo a post automation thru marking ballots that later fed into optical mark reader counting machines. The result of this post-automation is said to be excellent because the counting of votes was done in a short period o time.

The election irregularities such as vote buying, cheating the counting of votes, flying voters, and harassment of voters that commonly happens to the localities are proven and witnessed but no one complaint because of harm that can be caused. Most of the irregularities were done in the ARMM that’s why they call it Capital of Vote cheating in the Philippines.

Thats why the commission on election decided to make a resolution in the Philippines.

I just want to share the articles Ive read


The conduct of elections in the Philippines for the past four decades has remained largely

unchanged. Philippine elections rely heavily on manual tallying and canvassing of votes thus making

them vulnerable to control and manipulation by traditional politicians and those with vested interests.

The cost of winning an elective post is highly expensive, and the absence of mechanisms to check

and limit sources of campaign funds become fertile grounds for corruption and divisiveness.

In recent years, initiatives to reform the electoral system included the enactment of the

following laws: Republic Act (RA) 8046, establishing a pilot program modernizing the registration

and vote counting process in the Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, the Party List Law,

Fair Elections Act and the Absentee Voting Act. To address the inadequacies and limitations of the

electoral process, RA 8436 or the Election Automation Act of 1997, was passed authorizing the

Commission on Elections (COMELEC) to use automated election system for vote counting and

canvassing in the national and local polls. The law provided for the generation of a national

computerized voters list, establishment of a voters identification card system and the automation of

the vote counting.

However, sectoral issues still hinder reform efforts in the electoral process. The following

have been identified as basic problems afflicting the electoral system: (a) outdated electoral

process; (b) failure to implement the electoral modernization law; (c) limited administrative and

regulatory capabilities of the COMELEC; (d) ineffective educational/information campaigns on

new laws and policies; (e) weak political party system; (f) unaccountable political financing; and

(g) defective party list system (Governance Assessment, 2003).


To ensure a credible and transparent electoral process, the modernization of the electoral

system through computerization shall be supported to ensure the credibility of polls and correct the

deficiencies in the electoral system. Likewise, the Omnibus Election Code shall be further revised

and amended to respond to the needs of the present electoral system.

Measures to strengthen the party system and regulate the activities of political parties shall

be created. State financing of political parties shall also be considered through the passage of the

Campaign Finance Bill.

The COMELEC’s capacity to raise the level of political discourse and educate citizens

regarding their right to vote will be enhanced. This will be done through conduct of continuing

citizen and voter education through partnership with civil society groups and other government

institutions. The electorate must be empowered with information that would help them vote

intelligently. The challenge is to develop the people’s appreciation of their vote as a means to

reform the government and receive better services from it. Part of this challenge is the need to

raise the awareness of the electorate on relevant issues and the corresponding platforms of the

candidates, if the country is to shift from the politics of personality to the politics of party


Philippines says plan for automated election on again

MANILA (Reuters) - The Philippines will hold automated presidential elections next year after the partners of a joint venture that won a $150 million deal to supply counting machines patched up their differences on Friday, officials said.

"We're back to automation," Jose Melo, head of the Commission on Elections (Comelec), told reporters after Filipino company Total Information Management signed a joint venture agreement with Barbados-based Smartmatic to supply 82,200 counting machines.

Lawmakers, political groups and analysts have previously cast doubts over the automated process. Many feared chaos due to potential machine breakdowns and delays in results transmission, which could lead to a failed election and political limbo.

But analysts say even manual counting would expose the elections to the likelihood of fraud. President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo has faced four attempts at impeachment on charges she cheated in the last presidential election in 2004.

Melo said the incorporation papers of the joint venture to supply vote counting machines will be filed before the Securities and Exchange Commission on Monday and the contract with Comelec will be signed on Friday, the final deadline to automate the elections in May 2010.

If no automation contract is signed by July 10, Melo said the Philippines will likely scrap the deal and hold elections manually.

The automation should provide results within two days of voting instead of the weeks it takes currently, the agency has said.

On Monday, Melo said the plan to automate polls was likely to be scrapped because Smartmatic's local partner broke off from the deal due to differences, but gave the partners until Friday to resolve their dispute.

Even though the TIM backed out, I am still pro to automated elections because it enables the voter to cast their votes secretly in easiest and fastest way. Election can avoid from irregularities , malpractice or any form of election frauds. And the counting and recounting of the votes would be easily done by the Commission on Election.

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Our facilitator required us to attend seminar in the Apo View Hotel. It was COMMDAP, an exhibit of the dealers and distributors of computer devices and other gadgets, that was held last July2-4, 2009 at the Grand Ballroom, Apo Bayview Hotel, Davao City.

But before attending the seminar we have to undergo processes. Our facilitator instruct us to visit our forum , in his website and look for his instruction there. We found lot of comments posted there asking of what website we should register and suddenly our classmate post a clickable link in which you will automatically go to the nexus group filling up page for registration for their seminar, in this page there is also check boxes in which you will be going to chose in what session you like to attend. Since our facilitator posted that we get the PM session so, we click the 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, and 4-5 sessions.

But when our facilitator met us two days before the seminar he told us that only two sessions our required for us to attend. So, we decided to attend the 1-2 and 2-3 session.

And then the time has come… whee! We together with our classmates were very excited because it was the first time that we will going to attend a seminar at the Apo View Hotel.

Before entering the grand Ballroom, we first go to the student registration booth in which the assigned staff gave us a sticker that serves as our ID to get into the hall. As expected, there were a lot of people there and booths of different company. We have first sightseeing to the products. And then we find the seminar room. Before entering the room, we first signed to the paper in which our name was printed and then we came into the room. Then the speaker also came in. oh my gosh! The speaker was quite cute hehehe… I thought only students will going to attend in the seminar but I was wrong because there are lot of company representatives are present during the seminar. We feel quite happy for attending seminars with businessmen and professionals.

The presentation of slide of the speaker has started. And it was all about the Dealer Management System

Sound interesting, a the speaker started to talk, huh? Was first come into my mind because It was actually all about a car dealership. I cant relate because car is not on my list of interest coz all I want is to ride a car. But still I listened and take notes for assignments purposes.

The DMS (Dealer management System) as the speaker said, “ is the complete and-to-end solution for auto dealers”. And this system helps them a lot for their sales and business transactions. The speaker introduces his self as a representative of the Jupiter Systems, Inc. from the main office in Luzon. Their company is said to be one of the pioneers in Enterprise resource planning system in the Philippines, some of the brands of cars their dealing are Mitsubishi, mazda, Volvo, Honda and Mercedes benz.

The DMS helps their company’s services to the clients and also for their operation in the company that includes the accounting, importation of products and other. It also helps in making financial reports. They also had modules in which it serves as their guidelines in managing the dealership.

They also had guidelines during pre-sales, and after sales which help them lot in dealing during this period of time, in which they undergo monitoring, in which the staff will monitor from the clients inquiry to the actual close of deal.

Second, the sales quotation processing, that presents the prize of the car and the details of its accessories.

Third, sales appointments, in which the clients sets appointments to the sales representative regarding the car he want to close deal with.

They also had vehicle sales administration, in which they sale brand new vehicles and even second hand vehicles. The VSA has the agreement processing that includes the reservation and deposit collection of the company, and pricing of the cars and how much Is the discount if the client will buy the vehicle in cash.

If they had pre-sales, of course they also had after-sales in which they present the parts and accessories of the car to the clients.

They also had service management, in which they offer maintenance of the car after sales.

It also includes the repair of the car and how much is the flat rate or the amount per hour of the services of their technician.

one of their good feature is that every services on repair has a limitation, so that the technician wouldn’t take advantage instead they work excellent and fast. In their Service management, also includes the warranty of the vehicle.

The second session, I’ve attended was also an interesting one because it is an endorsement of a portable CPU named thin client. This was endorsed by the second speaker, a representative from HP or Neoware,Inc. he introduced their product, he thin client, it is a computing device, that has no hard drive, and displays data and applications. The good thing about this thin client, that according to the speaker is that it is not dependent on servers.

It also has a high performance, in which you can easily be connected to the internet. And can browse easily to web application solutions. They also present the benefits you will get by choosing to use the HP products. Or the thin client to be specific.

First, it secures data because it has planted UPS (universal power saver) so you don’t need to buy UPS, so in case of black outs worry no more because you have enough time to save your work. And in case problems about viruses occur, the files you have in your computer will be secured because it was deep frozen in which the viruses will automatically erased if you turn of your computers.

Another advantage is that it is environment friendly, it can easily be managed because of portability and it is not time consuming because it was thin and of course you can have it at lower price. Because of its features and benefits many schools and universities, and business and government offices are using the thin client. After the presentation of all the features of the thin client, there was a question and answer portion in which the speaker gives a souvenir to the person who can answer to the question given.

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five different IT online jobs

Computer programmer

Convert project specifications and statements of problems and procedures to detailed logical flow charts for coding into computer language. Develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information. May program web sites.

computer system analyst

Analyze science, engineering, business, and all other data processing problems for application to electronic data processing systems. Analyze user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate or improve existing systems and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software. May supervise computer programmers.

computer security specialist

Plan, coordinate, and implement security measures for information systems to regulate access to computer data files and prevent unauthorized modification, destruction, or disclosure of information.

computer hardware engineer

Research, design, develop, and test computer or computer-related equipment for commercial, industrial, military, or scientific use. May supervise the manufacturing and installation of computer or computer-related equipment and components.

computer and information systems managers

Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis, and computer programming.

the one I like most Is the security specialist because I will able to secure the systems from the hackers and viruses which possibly make the system destroyed.

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what would be my future career?

Computer and Information Systems Manager

Job description:

Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis, and computer programming.

The managers tasks are:

Manage backup, security and user help systems.

Consult with users, management, vendors, and technicians to assess computing needs and system requirements.

Direct daily operations of department, analyzing workflow, establishing priorities, developing standards and setting deadlines.

Assign and review the work of systems analysts, programmers, and other computer-related workers.

Stay abreast of advances in technology.

Review and approve all systems charts and programs prior to their implementation.

Evaluate the organization's technology use and needs and recommend improvements, such as hardware and software upgrades.

Develop computer information resources, providing for data security and control, strategic computing, and disaster recovery


Control operational budget and expenditures.

Meet with department heads, managers, supervisors, vendors, and others, to solicit cooperation and resolve problems.

Develop and interpret organizational goals, policies, and procedures.

Recruit, hire, train and supervise staff, and/or participate in staffing decisions.

Review project plans in order to plan and coordinate project activity.

Evaluate data processing proposals to assess project feasibility and requirements.

Prepare and review operational reports or project progress reports.

Purchase necessary equipment.

Knowledge requirements:

Computers and Electronics -- Knowledge of circuit boards, processors, chips, electronic equipment, and computer hardware and software, including applications and programming.

Administration and Management -- Knowledge of business and management principles involved in strategic planning, resource allocation, human resources modeling, leadership technique, production methods, and coordination of people and resources.

Mathematics -- Knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, calculus, statistics, and their applications.

English Language -- Knowledge of the structure and content of the English language including the meaning and spelling of words, rules of composition, and grammar.

Design -- Knowledge of design techniques, tools, and principles involved in production of precision technical plans, blueprints, drawings, and models.

Clerical -- Knowledge of administrative and clerical procedures and systems such as word processing, managing files and records, stenography and transcription, designing forms, and other office procedures and terminology.

Engineering and Technology -- Knowledge of the practical application of engineering science and technology. This includes applying principles, techniques, procedures, and equipment to the design and production of various goods and services.

Economics and Accounting -- Knowledge of economic and accounting principles and practices, the financial markets, banking and the analysis and reporting of financial data.

Education and Training -- Knowledge of principles and methods for curriculum and training design, teaching and instruction for individuals and groups, and the measurement of training effects.


Getting Information -- Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining information from all relevant sources.

Interacting With Computers -- Using computers and computer systems (including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions, enter data, or process information.

Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events -- Identifying information by categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting changes in circumstances or events.

Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others -- Translating or explaining what information means and how it can be used.

Scheduling Work and Activities -- Scheduling events, programs, and activities, as well as the work of others.

Making Decisions and Solving Problems -- Analyzing information and evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.

Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships -- Developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time.

Thinking Creatively -- Developing, designing, or creating new applications, ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.

Judging the Qualities of Things, Services, or People -- Assessing the value, importance, or quality of things or people.

Processing Information -- Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating, tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data.



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