Pirates of Silicon Valley

to live the live as CEO of a mutli-billion dollar corporation. It must be full of trips
on your private jet sipping smoothies, cruising San Francisco with infamous rock stars,
and bossing around your employees and keeping them on task, because you are on a mission.

For Steve Jobs, that mission is messianic: he was put here on this planet to save us all
from our terrible "stink of Windows laptops" and create beautiful objects that "restore a
sense of childlike wonder to people's lives." If you dare doubt his artistic infallibility,
he will put you in your place, saying "dude, I invented the friggin iPod. Have you heard of

Of course, this isn't the real Steve Jobs. Although there is plenty of evidence supporting
the real Jobs' egomaniacal sid
Fake Steve Jobs personifies the worst aspects of the Silicon Valley CEO: self-absorbed,
unreliable, and corrupted by money.

In fact, Lyons has created the perfect evil genius in Fake Steve Jobs. He is a man
well-versed in some pop culture version of Zen Buddhism, and he truly believes he can
control people's minds. He is also a man so self-absorbed that no one is allowed to talk
to him (except during a scheduled time published on his iCal account) lest they risk being

Plus, Fake Steve Jobs surrounds himself with people who help him hone in his
creative skills so he can invent even more friggin awesome iProducts that the
frigtards at Microsoft will most likely steal. Some of the funniest scenes in the
book revolve around his interaction with Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. Both characters
are caught together contemplating the tenets of Zen Buddhism while smoking some weed
or tripping on peyote, and both seem completely lost on what to do with this stock options
scandal thing. verall, Options is a hilarious jab at one of the most revered CEO's in the
tech industry right now. As a novel written in first person with a linear narrative,
Options is able to do what the Fake Steve Jobs blog is unable to do: that is, create a
character that may be jilted by his own sense of self, but has a soul somewhere deep
inside the hard exterior. Whether you are into the world of technology or not, Options
is a great read that will have you laughing out loud.

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