assignment 2

Relative to your answer in Assignment 1 .... what's your take on the design of the enrollment system?

relative to assignment1.

the university has exerting effort in automating the enrollment system or to make it more easier for the students to be enrolled.from the very first time i enrolled in this university, even in the Tagum Campus, i actually experienced same scenarios.get grades, undergo advising, go to the encoder, pay local fees, pay miscellaneous, and go to registrar to certify that you are officially enrolled. all of those steps were actually a very very long process and it takes a long number of hours just to be enrolled. according to my mother, it was the same process or steps she experience when she enrolled my brother on the USEP Tagum Campus, and as compare to what i experienced in enrolling myself, she said that it was a bit easier than before, for before when number of units were not that many, they actually writes their subjects to be enrolled and they do not have to go for the encoder, for the forms where they write the subjects to be enrolled is given to the registrar and be kept as their record for they do not a automate the system before. so according to her, though it was a manual procedure but compare to our enrollment system now, they have just smaller period of time spent than today's enrollment system.

as what Ive realized, if the old manual enrollment system able the enrollees to spent a lil bit small period of time than now, i think the university can make it easier and hassle free than before. i can say that the university must have a lil more review on the enrollment system, so that they would be able to have a plan of re organizing it to be more beneficial to the students and even to the staff and faculty.

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